After arriving in Nashville on Sunday morning, Chris and I headed to Panera to get fueled up for the moving activities of the day. Then, it was off to the U-Haul facility to pick up the rental truck, where I had to endure the unpleasantness of being told I would essentially be BUYING the truck, should anything happen to it. (I think that’s their strategy to get people to buy their insurance.)
We loaded up the first of two loads of Chris’ belongings at his old apartment, and with some time to kill before meeting the landlord at the new place, we stopped by the Smoothie King near Green Hills Mall to get some overpriced nourishment.

While there, I noticed a car outside that didn’t quite fit in with the others. It was a black Bentley. While sitting at the café table outside the neighboring Starbucks, we half-jokingly predicted the sleek ride belonged to Keith Urban. But about 10 minutes later, who should emerge from the Starbucks, but Keith and Nicole (uh, Kidman.) I caught a glimpse of them as walked to their car behind me, but didn’t want to look like a dorky tourist by taking a photo.

After our brush with greatness, we headed to the new place to get the keys and unload. Then back to the old apartment for the final load, and some rudimentary cleaning up. After unloading the second load of belongings, we returned the rental truck, got some Mexican food (OK, and a Margarita) and then went back to unpack, organize and clean. I won’t bore you with the details of the cleaning process, since that alone could have filled several blog posts. Let’s just say that at around 2:15am, we called it a day, On Monday morning, I continued the cleaning process, while Chris had to teach a lab at Belmont. That day, I ended up ironing and hanging 6 sets of curtains and rods, and did loads of kitchen cleaning.
Around 5:30 that afternoon, we abandoned our organizational efforts so that we could shower and finish packing for the next leg of the trip. Since tour guitarist Dan Agee lives so close to Chris, we picked him up to meet the bus at the Cool Springs rendezvous spot. For some reason, the bus was late arriving, so a few of the crew/band guys headed across the parking lot to the Wal-Mart to obtain ‘bus stock’ – a cart full of bottled water, sodas, snacks, etc. for the bus trip. By the time we emerged from the mega mart, the bus had arrived and everyone began loading their instruments, luggage, and supplies. We finally departed for Minneapolis / St. Paul around 8pm on Monday night. I spent a few hours reviewing and editing photos from the Fremont show, on my laptop using Adobe Lightroom. Everyone else in the front lounge of the bus watched “I Love You, Man” on the two plasma TVs. One by one, we all eventually headed off to our bunks for the remainder of the trip.
After a pretty good night’s sleep, I awoke to find we were somewhere in southern Minnesota, approaching the venue for that evening – the Minnesota State Fair. I found out that Joe would be the opening act that night for country music legend Randy Travis. It was quite apparent upon arrival, that this state fair was quite a big deal.
The stage and rigging were enormous. The fairgrounds were immaculate, and the usual catering tent was replaced by a large, comfortable building with gourmet catering and locker room facilities. So one of the first things we did after arrival was eat lunch. Most of the guys returned to the bus to hang out while waiting for Randy and company to do their soundcheck. After an hour or two delay, they finally wrapped things up and then it was Joe’s turn. However, Joe was flying in that afternoon and hadn’t arrived yet. So, the rest of the band went through the motions while Chris tweaked the settings, sans Joe.

I was also able to meet up with my friend and St. Paul area resident, Carey Dissmore. He has a successful one-man video production shop there and is the co-founder of the IMUG (International Media Users’ Group). IMUG a worldwide network of folks in the visual production biz, like myself, who offer their knowledge and experience to each other through email forums and meet-ups.

After soundcheck, it was time for dinner at the ‘mess hall’. Then, I headed back to the bus to prep my photo gear for the evening. I was glad to hear that the photo pit would be exclusively mine, except for the last couple of Joe’s songs. At that time, I would be joined by two videographers, since it would then be dark enough to use the IMAG system (image magnification, or video cameras shooting the performers and projecting on two large screens on either side of the stage.)
More on the show in the next chapter…
(Link to Part 5 below)